
public protocol APIService

APIService defines all the properties and methods a class must contain to be used as a service in an APIRequest.

A class that conforms to APIService should also define all the endpoints relevent to that service.

An endpoint might look like:

open class func getUser(byId id: String) -> APIRequest<ReturnType> {
    return APIRequest<ReturnType>(endpoint: "/users", params: nil, body: ["id": id], method: .GET)
  • The base URL for this APIService.

    Endpoints in this service will be postpended to this URL segment. As a result a baseURL will generally look like the root URL of the API the service communicates with.

    A baseURL might look like: https://api.example.com with endpoints like: /users or /schedule

    When interacting with more complicated APIs, it may be necessary to create subclasses of your service in order to maintain clean and readable code. In these cases the super-service should still have a baseURL as defined above. However the sub-services should have baseURLs of the form:

    override open class var baseURL: String {
        return super.baseURL + "/users"



    static var baseURL: String { get }
  • parameters Default implementation

    The HTTPHeaders to be sent alongside the APIRequests made by the endpoints in this APIService.

    Default Implementation

    The HTTPHeaders to be sent alongside the APIRequests made by the endpoints in this APIService.



    static var parameters: HTTPParameters? { get }
  • body Default implementation

    The HTTPHeaders to be sent alongside the APIRequests made by the endpoints in this APIService.

    Default Implementation

    The HTTPHeaders to be sent alongside the APIRequests made by the endpoints in this APIService.



    static var body: HTTPBody? { get }
  • headers Default implementation

    The HTTPHeaders to be sent alongside the APIRequests made by the endpoints in this APIService.

    Default Implementation

    The HTTPHeaders to be sent alongside the APIRequests made by the endpoints in this APIService.



    static var headers: HTTPHeaders? { get }
  • validate(statusCode:) Default implementation

    Offers an optional point for an APIService to determine what HTTPReponse status codes are valid. The default implementation marks any response with a status code in the range 200..<300 as valid.

    To change this behavior, simiply override this method and throw an APIRequestError.invalidHTTPReponse for any invalid response codes.

    Default Implementation

    Default implementation of validate that marks any response with a status code in the range 200..<300 as valid.



    static func validate(statusCode: Int) throws